Frank Sinatra, iki yıl birlikte olduğu Peggy Connelly anlatıyor ("Tiril tiril" tabir edilen beylerdenmiş):
“Everything Frank possessed was the cleanest, the best, fresh-smelling. The sheets, the towels, the whole house, smelled good. Everything around him was immaculate, in perfect order, his home, his dressing room and his bedroom, his closets, his drawers.
There were two perfumes he used. Yardley’s English Lavender for his drawers, shirts, and things. And Jungle Gardenia, which had been Ava Gardner’s fragrance. He kept her perfume in his bathroom, and you could smell it on his things.”
(Hiç koklamasam da Jungle Gardenia adı ve notalarıyla tam Ava Gardner'a yakışacak bir parfümmüş.)